Fri Jan. 24 "It Takes Two"


2) 5 Rounds x AMRAP 2
5 DB Thrusters
Max Cal Row
*Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds


1) On the Minute x 10
1 Thruster (Building to Heavy)

2) It Takes Two

5 Rounds x AMRAP 2
5 Thrusters (80% of Heavy Single)
25/20 Cal Row
*Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
*Pick Up Where You Left Off


1) You will be building to a heavy single rep thruster. This weight will be what you base your workout thruster weight off of. Feel free to squat clean the bar into the thruster if you want.

2) This workout will test your ability to work with a heavy barbell. Ideally you want to complete 1 round in the 2 minute window. You will pick up where you left off of so don’t panic if you don’t finish a full round. The thruster will be 80% of the weight you used for your heaviest single. You will complete the 5 thrusters in most likely 2 sets but may be double for unbroken set. The row will be completed at a hard pace, taking no more than 2:00. Aim to complete 4-6 rounds all together.

Extra Credit

3 Sets
600m Run, Rest 30 Seconds
400m Run, Rest 30 Seconds
200m Run, Rest 30 Seconds

Jason TrinhComment