Thur Jan. 23 "Full Swing" - BRING-A-FRIEND DAY
1) Deadlift 3 x 10
2) 18 Min AMRAP
5 Devils Press Right Arm
20 Single Unders
5 Devils Press Left Arm
Rest 1 Minute
1) Deadlift: 3 x 10 Building
2) Full Swing
5 Rounds For Time (18 Minutes)
10 Single Arm Devil Press (70/50)
20-40-60-80-100 Crossover Single Unders
1) This is a time to practice your Sumo Deadlift technique. Focus on dropping the hips and lifting the chest more than a conventional deadlift would be. Although you are building, this is not meant to be a failure set.
2) This is a workout with a heavy dumbbell and aerobic work. You will use a single dumbbell and should pick a weight that you can complete the 10 reps in 90 seconds or less. Alternate arms whenever you like, as long as you complete five reps on each side. Crossover single unders may be a tricky movement so take time to practice them, capping yourself at 30 seconds for every 20 reps.