Fri Jan. 3 "Septuagenarian-plus"
1) Goblet Squat 5 x 5
2) For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
7 Front Squats
100’ Farmer Carry
7 Pull Ups
1 Minute Rest
1) Front Squats: 3 x 1 @ 89%
2) Septuagenarian-plus
For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
71 Total Reps, partitioned however:
Front Squats (185/135)
Bar Muscle Ups
Directly Into …
Accumulate 3 Min. Double Dumbbell Farmer Hold (50/35)
1) Build up to your 89% or a heavy weight for 3 singles. This will be the most challenging front squat weight in our program yet. Focus on keeping the chest up and shifting to the heels as you ascend.
2) Today we’re adding a special shout-out to the old man, Mark H. who celebrates his 71st birthday! Today you can really choose your own adventure, by completing a total of 71 reps of squats and BMU/pull-ups. You decide how many reps of each you do, so long you hit the total of 71. Example: You could do 36 squats and 35 BMU, or 71 squats, or 71 BMU. Have some fun with it and remember who we’re celebrating today :)
Once you have finished the entirety of the reps, move onto part 2. You will hold two dumbbells, accumulating 3 minutes in total. Every time you drop the dumbbell, you stop the timer in your head. You are in charge of accumulating your own minutes so watch the clock and plan it out. Try to hold for one minute intervals so you finish in roughly 3 holds.
Extra Credit
Until 200/160 Calories (30 Min. Time Cap)
30 Second Bike
30 Second Rest