Fri Oct. 11 "Double Bogey”
2) AMRAP 15
10 Cal Bike
10 Russian KB Swings
30 Single Skips
30 Sec. Rest
1) Front Squat: 5 x 1 (building)
2) Double Bogey
AMRAP 15 Min.
16/13 Cal Bike
20 KB Swings (70/53)
60 Double Unders
1) We will be building up in the following rep scheme: 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1-1. Use this as a chance to build to a heavy singe. Practice proper bracing and maintain a proud chest to avoid tipping forward to the toes.
2) This is a quick workout that you will need to find a maintainable pace right out of the gate. The aim is to complete roughly 4-6 rounds, keeping each round to about 4 minutes a round. The kettlebell is heavier today, so break it up early and perform 2-3 sets. These will be all the over head, not stopping at eye level. Keep double under practice to 1 minute, or sub for 12 burpees.
Extra Credit
3 Rounds
20 DB Chest Flys
20 DB Tricep Kickbacks