Thur Oct. 10 "Do Not Disturb"


1) Every 2:00 x 15
200m Row
10 Knee Raises


1) Do Not Disturb

2 Rounds For Time (35 Min. Time Cap)
1000/900 Meter Row
40 Toes to Bar
*Every 2 Minutes (Starting at 0:00): 200m Run


1) This workout involves a lot of grip for the Toes to Bar, so relax the grip on the row to prepare for this. The run will take roughly 1:00 to complete, leaving you with one minute to get as much work done as you can on the rowing and toes to bar. You should aim to complete the row in about 4 rounds, as well as the T2B in 4 rounds. Twice through and you are all done! Take this slowly if today is recovery day. Run can be subbed for 12/10 Cal Bike.

Jason TrinhComment