Fri Oct 13 "Badger"
1) 1 Strict Banded Pull-up or 3 Ring Rows
Work on the eccentric phase
2) 30 Minute AMRAP:
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (Or Power)
10 Ring Rows (Or Jumping Pull-ups)
400m Run (Or 1200/1000m Echo Bike)
2 Min Rest
1) 1 Strict Weighted Pull-up:
EMOM x 10 (same weight)
2) “Badger”
3 Rounds:
30 Squat Cleans @ 95/65
30 Pull-ups
800m Run
1) Build to a pull-up that will be challenging to do 1 per minute x 10 minutes. Maintain positions and range-of-motion and start conservative (easy) if unsure
2) This will be difficult to “hang” onto a high intensity/big sets but that is the goal as the 4-5 minutes of running or biking will allow for some time for recovery. Each round can take a maximum of 10 minutes to complete within the time cap