Mon Aug 22 "Tippy Toes"
Workout of the day
1) Back Squats: 5 x 5 @ 65% with 5s eccentric (lowering)
8-10 Rounds:
8-10 Abmat Sit-ups
8-10 Burpees
30s Run/Bike/Row
2) “Tippy Toes”
10 Rounds For Time:
10 Toes-To-Bar
10 Burpees
100m Run
1) Using your 1RM from last week, do 5 set of 5 reps with each rep taking 5s to lower to the bottom. Rest as needed
2) Fast reps on TTB and burpees, recover on the run. Aim for 1.5 minutes per round, 20 minute cap