Mon Feb. 24 "Snack Time"
1) 5 Sets:
1 Deadlift
2 Squat Jumps
2) AMRAP 15
6 Cal Bike
5 Knee Raises
4 Push Ups
3 Power Cleans
2 Pull Ups
1) 5 Sets:
1 Deadlift (building)
2 Max Distance Broad Jumps
2) Snack Time
36/30 Cal Bike
50 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans (95/65)
Max Ring Muscle Ups
1) This absolute strength piece will contrast a heavy single deadlift with power development in explosive broad jumps. Aim to complete these reps building from 85% of your 1RM deadlift. Follow each deadlift rep with 2 explosive broad jumps.
2) This is a higher rep chipper style workout. The goal is to accumulate as many ring muscle ups at the end of the chipper as you can. Choose weights/variations that allow each station to be completed in 3:00 or less. Choose a challenging gymnastic movement for you max rep at the end.
Extra Credit
For Time: 250/200 Cal Bike
Performed as 2 min work, 1 min rest