Tue Feb. 25 "Lungs and Lunges"


2) 5 Rounds (18 Min. Time Cap)
15 Cal Row
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges (Optional Kettlebell)
Rest 30 Sec.


1) Back Squat: 5 x 1 (building)

2) Lungs and Lunges

For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
60-40-20 Cal Row
30-20-10 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (35/26#)
*Women’s Cals: 48-32-16


1) These are heavy back squats today, starting your 5 sets at roughly 85% and building from there. If it feels good, try to aim for 95% or higher. Grab a belt and spotters for anything you feel a bit unsure about.

2) As the name states, this is an aerobically challenging workout while getting the legs burning. Lunges should be performed as step back lunges on the spot alternating legs. Choose a weight that will allow for sets of 10.

Extra Credit

Sled Drags: 6 Sets
100’ Backward Walking Sled Drag
Rest 1 Minute between sets
Face sled and drag with straps

Jason TrinhComment