Wed Feb. 26 " Hallucinate"


1) 5 Sets
1 Banded Pull Up (decrease as you go)
3 Kneeling Medball Slams


1) 5 Sets
1 Strict Weighted Pull Up (building)
3 Kneeling Medball Slams

2) Hallucinate

2 Rope Climbs (15’)
4 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24”)
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)


1) These sets are contrasting the heavy pull ups with aggressive medball slams. You will be building in weight for each single pull up rep. Use the full range of motion in the pull up. Add weight using dumbbell, plate, or KB.

2) This workout has a low rep scheme, so be ready to perform a higher amount of rounds at a consistent pace. Rope climbs should take roughly 1:00 or less. Burpee box jumps need to be stood up fully at the top of each rep, since they are not ‘overs’. They should take roughly 30 sec or less. Snatches will be alternating each rep and take not more than 45 seconds. Aim to complete roughly 7 rounds or more.

Extra Credit

3 Rounds
600m Run, Rest 1:30
400m Run, Rest 1:00
200m Run, Rest 0:30

Jason TrinhComment