Sat Aug. 17 "Paradox of Choice"


1) 4 x 2 Clean and Jerk (building to technical load)

2) 25 Min. AMRAP
15 Cal Bike
3 Sit to Stand Rope Climbs
5 Deadlifts
1 Minute Rest


1) Clean and Jerk (Rest 2 Min. B/n Sets)
2 @ 60%
2 @ 78%
1 @ 83%
1 @ 88%

2) Paradox of Choice
For Time (25 Min. Time Cap)
150/120 Cal Echo Bike
10 Legless Rope Climbs (15’)
50 Deadlifts (315/225)
*Partition However You Like


1) These sets are building to a heavy percentage for a single. Perform all reps as drop singles. Focus on being fast under the bar and keeping the body tight throughout the jerk.

2) This workout it a choose your own adventure so pick a rep scheme that allows you to continue moving throughout the whole time. The bike in total will take roughly 12:30 or less. The rope climbs should allow for 1-2 rope climbs per minute. The weight for the deadlift is significantly heavier today, so pick a weight you can cycle for sets of five. A good way to break this up would be into 10 rounds if the rope climbs will be the trickiest movement: 15/12 Cal Bike, 1 Legless Rope Climb, 5 Deadlifts.

Extra Credit

VO2 Max Row (RPE 7-8 = uncomfortable pace)
AMRAP 8: Cal Row
Rest 4 Minutes
For Time: Calories From Part 1

Jason TrinhComment