Fri Aug. 16 "Two For One"


2) 18 Min. AMRAP
Alternating DB Power Snatch
Single DB Front Squat
300m Bike


1) On the 3:00 x 3 Sets (building)
3 Front Squats (5 Second Negative)

2) Two For One

30-20-10 (18 Min. Time Cap)
Power Snatch (95/65)
Front Squat
400m Run


1) Focus on technique and form over load. Take a full five second count on the way down to the bottom of the squat. If this is not maintainable, drop the weight. Focus on keeping the elbows up and driving up with the chest to get out of the bottom.

2) This is a quick barbell workout with some running to break up the barbell sets. The weight is lighter today, meaning cycling bigger sets for the power snatches and front squats, around 2-3 sets. The run will take roughly 2:00 and can be subbed for a 500/450m Row or 25/20 Cal Bike.

Extra Credit
5 Sets:
12/9 Cal Bike Sprint
6 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50)
Rest 2 Minutes

Jason TrinhComment