Sat Jan. 18 "My Little Friend"


1) 5 x 5 Power Snatches @ technical load

2) 3 Rounds
5 DB Thrusters Right Arm
5 DB Thrusters Left Arm
400m Bike
5 DB Snatches Right Arm
5 DB Snatches Left Arm
30 Single Skips
5 DB Clean and Jerk Right Arm
5 DB Clean and Jerk Left Arm

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds


1) Power Snatch: 25 Reps @ 80% For Time (10 Min. Cap)

2) My Little Friend (30 Min. Time Cap)

3 Rounds For Time
30 Dumbbell Reps (70/50)
2000/1800m Echo Bike
100 Double Unders

Round 1: Single Arm DB Thruster
Round 2: Single Arm DB Snatches
Round 3: Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk


1) Complete 25 reps at 80% as fast as possible. You will likely complete the majority of the reps as drop singles. If you complete touch and go reps, do not go till failure. You should aim to complete 25 reps in roughly 5-10 minutes.

2) You will be using a heavy single dumbbell for this workout, so choose heavier than you normally would. You will alternate arms every 5 reps on all dumbbell movements. Pick a weight that allows for each station to take roughly 2:00. The dumbbell will go to floor between each rep of the snatch and clean and jerk with BOTH heads of the dumbbell touching the ground.

Extra Credit

4 Sets:
20 Alternating Single Leg Squats
100m Light Sled Push

Jason TrinhComment