Fri Jan. 17 "Trophies"
1) 3 Sets
5 Bench Press
3 Knee Push Ups
2) AMRAP 15
5 Pull Ups
6/5 Cal Bike
5 Push Ups
6/5 Cal Bike
Rest 30 Seconds
1) Bench Press:
3 Sets:
5 Bench Press (building)
3 Lying Medball Chest Throws (14/10)
2) Trophies
Max Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
6/5 Cal Bike
Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push Ups
6/5 Cal Bike
1) We have another couplet to work through, practicing being explosive under tension. We are contrasting the heavy bench with light medball chest throws to stimulate power development. Aim to start your sets at around 60-65% of your 1 RM and build to roughly 75% over your 3 sets.
2) This workout involves some very technical gymnastic movements. Only your bodyweight movement will count towards your score. Choose a variation that allows for roughly 3 muscle ups and 5 strict handstand push ups. Expect to get around 6 rounds in the 15 minutes. Sub the ring muscle ups for bar muscle ups, chest to bar, pull ups or difficult ring row variation.
Extra Credit
3 Sets:
10 Bicep Curls
30 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs
Rest 2 minutes between all sets