Sat July 20 "Clown Around"


1) Every 1:30 x 10: 2 Push Jerks

2) 5 Rounds x AMRAP 3
30 Single Skips
8 Cal Bike
6 Push Jerks
4 Walk Outs w/ Push Up OR 2 Wall Walks
*Rest 1 minute between Rounds


1) On the 1:30 x 10 (building in weight)
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

2) Clown Around
5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
200m Run
10 Push Jerks (155/105)
Max Wall Walks
*Rest 1 Minute between Rounds


1) First set should start at roughly 65% of your 1 RM push jerk. Keep adding weight unless form breaks down. All sets will be taken out of the rack.

2) Ideally, double unders would be done unbroken. You can also try to keep single unders unbroken and restart if you trip up. The run should be completed in less than 1 minute, followed by an unbroken set of push jerks. The aim would be to have roughly a minute on wall walks, which most likely won’t happen if you trip on the skipping. Run can be subbed for 250/225 Row or 12/10 Cal Bike.

Jason TrinhComment