Thu Mar 3 "Goat Day"

Workout of the day

Open athletes:
Alternating EMOM x 24:
Minute 1: Movement 1
Minute 2: Movement 2
Minute 3: Low intensity bike/any conditioning (conversation pace)

Minute 1: DB Front Rack Lunges
Minute 2: Strict Knee Raises
Minute 3: Max Reps Echo Bike


Open athletes: Pick two of your weaker movements and practice them, focusing on quality and progression over volume. Examples of movements: Double-Unders, Toes-To-Bar, Cleans or Snatches, Burpees, Handstand Push-ups, Handstand Walks, Overhead Squats, Muscle-ups

BAFD: get as many reps in as you can for each of these movements. Break up knee raises into multiple sets if grip is a factor.

Jason TrinhComment