Wed Mar 2 "That's Enough"
Workout of the day
1) Overhead/Front Squats
Build to heavy set of 10
2) “That’s Enough”
AMRAPS: 2 Mins - 2 Mins - 2 Mins - 3 Mins
1 Minute Rest Following Each AMRAP
4 Strict Pull-ups + 4 Strict Toes-To-Bar/Straight Leg Raises
10/7 Cal Echo Bike
Max Reps Overhead/Front Squats @ 95/65
1) Build in sets of 5 reps until the load feels challenging enough for a set of 10 then go for it. Bar starts in the rack, load on your back, push press or push jerk with a snatch grip, then overhead squat. Option to snatch the weight if it is manageable
2) 2 Min AMRAP, 1 Minute Rest…
Looking to complete pull-ups and TTB in an unbroken set, fast bike, finish with 30+ seconds with the overhead/front squats
At home
AMRAP 2-2-2-3:
20 AbMat Sit Ups
40 Alternating Jumping Lunges
Max Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats or Goblet Squats