Thu May 18 "Tequila SUN-rise"
Today’s workout is brought to you by the 6am friends of Alexander Sun for his 29th birthday! Alex is very committed to his gym routine, often switching up class times in order to fit it into his schedule. Regardless of when he shows up, there’s not a single class where he isn’t full of smiles and energy. We wish you the happiest of birthdays and we hope you enjoy your workout!
Workout of the day
“Tequila SUN-rise”
Bench Press @ 135/95
Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans @ 50/35
Looking to go unbroken if you can. If this is an active recovery workout, halve the volume (2-4-6-8-10) and practice bench press technique and a form of a pull-up that’s challenging to you. Modify the workout so that you can complete in 20 minutes or less