Tue Aug 29 "Dumbfounded"


1) Banded Pull-ups: Practice positions and do sets of 3

2) 7 Min AMRAP, 3 Min Rest, 3 Rounds:
10 Dumbbell Snatches
200m Run (or 600/500m Bike)
3 Seated Rope Climbs


1) Strict Weighted Pull-ups: Build to heavy set of 3

2) “Dumbfounded”

7 Min AMRAP, 3 Min Rest, 3 Rounds:
40 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35
800m Run
Max Rope Climbs


1) De-band to where you can do 3 (and no room for a 4th) strict pull-ups while maintaining ROM and shoulder position. If you are able to do unassisted pull-ups then use dumbbells or the dip/weight belt

2) Dumbbell snatches will take 1.5-2 mins, run 3.5-4.5 minutes, leaving a few rope climbs at the end. Rest 3 minutes and start all over again. For “Move” do this as an AMRAP and carry on where you left off at the end of the previous round (treat it like a 21 minute AMRAP but with 3 minute rests structured in)

Jason TrinhComment