Mon Aug 28 “Once And For All”
1) Back Squats: Build to technical set of 5
2) 3 Rounds:
10 DB Front Squats
50m DB Farmer Carry
300/250m Row
1)Back Squats: Build to 75% then 5x5 building
2) “Once And For All”
For Time:
30 Front Squats @ 155/105
200m Farmers Carry @ 50/35
1,000/900m Row
1) build to 75% in sets of 5 and then do 5 additional sets of 5 while building to a heavy load for the day (aim for 85%+)
2) chipper style workout where you must complete all of one movement before continuing to the next. Break squats up into 2-3 sets max and then hang on for a long farmers walk. Your row grip will be affected so do your best to move quickly. 12 Minute cap