Tue Jan 31 "2-3 Zone"
Workout of the day
1) Overhead Squat: 7-5-3-7-5-3 @ 65-68-70-68-70-73%
AMRAP 2-2-2-3:
15/12 Calorie Row
9 Burpees
Max Reps Knee-Raises (Or Abmat Sit-ups)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds
2) “2-3 Zone”
AMRAP 2-2-2-3:
15/12 Calorie Row
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20
Max Reps Toes-To-Bar in time remaining
Rest 1 Minute between rounds
1) If you do not have a 1RM OHS (Or Front Squat) then build to a heavy triple following 7-7-5-5-3-3
2) Get through the Calorie Row and BBJO quickly in order to get one big set of TTB in. Reduce reps as needed in order to reach the TTB within each AMRAP