Tue July 16 "Fast Break"
1) Banded Pull Ups: 4-4-3-2-1
2) 30 Min. AMRAP
12 Cal Row
8 Wall Balls
*Rest 1 Min.
1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups: 4-4-3-2-1
2) Fast Break
10 Rounds For Time (30 Min. Time Cap)
15/12 Cal Row
15 Wall Balls
*Rest 1 Min. between each round
1) The aim of these sets is to build your pull up strength, whether this is getting your first pull up or increasing your added resistance to your pull up. As the reps decrease, increase the difficulty each set by either taking off bands or adding weight.
2) Since their is a minute of rest between each round, you should aim to push quite hard in each set. Try to maintain consistent times on each set, aiming to hang on for a set of unbroken wallballs after each row. Each movement will take roughly a minute or less, along with the minute of rest, taking you to the 30 Min. Time Cap!
Extra Credit
A) 3 x 10 Wide Grip Pull Ups
B) 60 Alternating Bicep Wall Curls (30 per arm)