Tue Oct. 1 "30 For 30"
1) Banded Pull Ups: 5 x 2
2) 30 Min. AMRAP
3-6-9-12-15 Pull Ups
12 Cal Bike
15-12-9-6-3 Knee Raises
12 Cal Bike
*Rest 1 Minute
1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups: 2-2-1-1-1 (building)
2) 30 For 30
For Time (30 Min. Time Cap)
21-18-15-12-9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
18/15 Cal Bike
9-12-15-18-21 Toes to Bar
18/15 Cal Bike
1) Aiming to build and finish at a heavy single rep. You can use the belt or dumbbell between the legs. Initiate the pull through the lats with a slight lean back. Be careful of those traps that like to sneak up into the ears during strict reps. Relax the traps and pull through the lats.
2) This workout tests your gymnastics and grip strength capacity. Choose a variation of the pull up that will allow you to complete all rounds within 3 sets. The bike will take roughly 1:30 each time and give your grip a break. Toes to bar also will be broken up, especially near the end. You do not want to hit failure sets in the gymnastics right off the bat. Start with small, manageable sets and try to maintain throughout (Ex. sets of 3 toes to bar, even at the beginning).
Extra Credit
400m Backwards Sled Drag (90/60#)