Wed Oct. 2 "Daddy Goes Surfing"


1) Deadlifts: 5 x 3 @ technical load (Focus on control throughout the movement)

2) 18 Min. Time Cap

Bike Cals
*Rest 1 Minute after each round


1) Pause Deadlifts: 5 x 3 (Building)
*3 Second Pause Below Knee

2) Daddy Goes Surfing

Deadlifts (225/155)
400m Run

Directly Into …

3 Rounds:
12 Burpees
400m Run

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


1) You will be building over 5 sets to obtain a heavy set of 3 WHILE maintaining a 3 second pause below the knee. This pause will happen on the way up off of the ground. Focus on engaging the lats and leading with the chest on the way up. These reps will be touch and go with no rebracing on the ground.

2) Heavy deadlifts mixed with aerobic capacity work, can’t get much better for a Wednesday. Deadlift weight should be kept moderate, something you could complete in 3 sets or less. Burpees will take roughly 1 minute, with the 400m run finishing at around 2:00. Run can be subbed for a 25/20 Cal Bike or 500/450m Row.

Extra Credit

3 Supersets:
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts
10 Second Hold at Top
*Rest 2 minutes at the top

Jason TrinhComment