Tue Oct 18 "Jerry Can"
Workout of the day
1) 3 Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk: 5 Sets @ 75-80% (or build to technical load and stay there)
30 Minute AMRAP:
400m Run (Or 1200m Bike)
50m Farmers Carry
500m Row
50m Farmers Carry
2) “Jerry Can”
For Time:
1 Mile Run (Bike 4800/4000m)
100m DB Farmers Carry @ 50/35
2000m Row
200m Farmers Carry
1 Mile Run
100m Farmers Carry
1) Aim to catch cleans as low as you can while still hitting extension, options to do a strict press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk to finish
2) Reduce distances on run and row to complete each component in under 10 minutes (1200m runs and 1600m rows). Farmers carry should be as close to unbroken as possible, reducing weight and moving quickly as needed. 1 lap in main CrossFit space = 25m