Tue Sep 12 "Barehanded"


1) Front Squats: Build to technical set of 3

2) 15 Minute AMRAP:

200m Run (Or 600/500m Bike)
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
10 Goblet Squats


1) Front Squats: 5 x 3 @ 80%+

2) “Barehanded”

For Time (15 Min Cap):
30 Power Cleans @ 155/105
600m Run
20 Front Squats
600m Run
10 Squat Cleans
600m Run


1) Build to 80-85% of your 1RM and stay there for 5 sets of 3 reps, resting 2-3 mins between sets

2) Select a weight of cleans that allows for quick singles. Runs can be scaled to be completed in 3 minutes or less. Barbell weight should be the same for all movements

Jason TrinhComment