Wed Sep 13 "Carried Away"
1) Bench Press: Build to technical set of 5
2) 10 Rounds:
12/9 Cal Echo Bike
5 Burpees + Jumping Pull-ups (Or Ring Rows)
2 Gym Length DB Farmers Carry
1) Bench Press: 15-12-9-6-3 @ 55-63-72-80-88%
2) “Carried Away”
5 Rounds:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
10 Burpee Pull-ups
400m Farmers Carry @ 50/35
3 Rounds:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
10 Burpee Pull-ups
400m Farmers Carry
1 Round:
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
10 Burpee Pull-ups
1) Lots of rest will be required as these are high volume and intensity. Focus on shoulder position and using the bench to keep your whole body engaged
2) This is a grip-intensive workout. Make the pull-ups easier by stepping up to a box to do jumping pull-ups. Farmers carry will take a long time so select a weight that will allow for you to hang on for the majority of the walk