Wed Dec. 4 "Open For Business"
1) Deadlift: 5-4-3-2-1 Building
2) AMRAP 13
10 Deadlifts
10 Box Step Ups
10 Cal Row
10 Push Ups
1) Deadlift: 3 x 1 @ 89%
2) Open for Business
55 Deadlifts (225/155)
55 Box Jumps (24/20”)
55/45 Cal Row
55 Handstand Push Ups
1) You will perform three sets of a single deadlift, all at 89%. This is a very high percentage so follow the structured rest and use a belt if you have one. Aim to increase from the weight you used for your doubles last week.
2) This workout has a large volume of reps for each movement. Aim to complete each movement in roughly 3:30 to get one round in under the time cap.. Choose a deadlift weight that you can complete roughly 10 reps unbroken at a time if fresh. Box jumps should be completed slow and steady throughout. The row should be paced at roughly 12 cal/min. You will finish the round with a difficult push up movement. This is a good day to try HSPU and decrease the rep scheme.
Extra Credit
Bike: 8 Rounds
2 Minute Bike (RPE 5-6)
1 Minute Rest