Wed Feb. 19 "Partial Caitlyn"


2) 20 Min. AMRAP
400m Row
20 Cal Bike
Rest 1 Minute


1) Goblet Step Ups 3 x 10 Per Leg

2) Partial Caitlyn

For Time (25 Min. Time Cap)
2000m Row
120 Cal Bike
*Partition However You Like


1) Use a box and one kettlebell. Perform all ten reps on one leg before moving to the other legs. Step off the side of the box, touch the ground and come all the way back up to standing.

2) You will be performing the row and bike in whatever rep scheme you choose. Just keep it your goal to keep moving through this aerobic pace.

Extra Credit

Farmer Carry: 10 Minutes (50/35)
Switch Positions Every Break:
Position 1: Farmer Carry
Position 2: Front Rack Carry
Position 3: Overhead Carry

Jason TrinhComment