Wed Jan. 15 "Oil and Water"
2) 3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:
12/10 Cal Row
10 Wallballs
10 Alternating Plank Taps
*Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds
*Pick Up Where you Left Off
1) Push Press: 10-8-6-4-2 Building
2) Oil and Water
3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:
30/24 Cal Row
20 Wallballs (30/20)
10 Wall Walks
*Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds
*Pick Up Where You Left Off
1) You will be building in weight over these 5 sets, while decreasing reps. The goal is to push for a heavy unbroken set. Focus on using as much leg drive as you can before finishing with the arms.
2) This workout has equal work to rest ratio so push hard in the 3 five minute AMRAPs and earn the rest. The row should take roughly 2:00 minutes. The wall balls should take roughly 1:30, with quick breaks since it is a heavier wall ball today. Aim to finish roughly 5-6 wall walks in one minute. Aim to complete 3-6 rounds altogether, always picking up where you left off when the AMRAP restarts.
Extra Credit
3 Sets: 10 Single Arm DB Strict Press (Right) and 10 Left
4 Sets:
50’ Mixed DB OH/Front Rack Carry (R/L)
50’ Mixed DB OH/Front Rack Carry (L/R)