Wed Mar 30 "Club Sandwich"
Workout of the day
1) EMOM x 9:
6 Single Dumbbell Goblet Squat
Max Alternating DB Power Snatches
Rest 3 Minutes
2) 6 Minute AMRAP:
Max Echo Bike Calories
Rest 3 Minutes
3) EMOM x 9:
6 Box Step-ups
Max Abmat Sit-ups
“Club Sandwich”
1) EMOM x 9:
6 Dumbbell Front Squats @ 50/35
Max Devil’s Press in time remaining
Rest 3 Minutes
2) 6 Minute AMRAP:
Max Echo Bike Calories
Rest 3 Minutes
3) EMOM x 9:
6 Box Jumps @ 30/24
Max Strict Knees To Chest
EMOM , rest, AMRAP bike, rest, EMOM. Aim for 45-50s of work for each EMOM, giving yourself time to rest before the start of the next round. By the end of the 9 minute EMOM you should having difficulty in maintaining the same output as the first rounds. After the 3 minute rest, push hard on the bike for 6 minutes.