Wed Oct 18 "Open Workout 13.2"


1) Strict Press: Build to a technical set of 5

2) 10 Min AMRAP:

4 Dumbbell Push Presses
8 Dumbbell Deadlifts
12 Lunges


1) 2 Strict Press @ 85-90%:
Every 2 Min x 5 Sets

2) “Open Workout 13.2”

10 Min AMRAP:
5 Shoulder-To-Overhead
10 Deadlifts @ 115/75
15 Box Jumps @ 24/20


1) Build to a heavy double and stay there for 5 total sets. Fatigue will become a factor especially if you did bench press yesterday so dial back on percentages as needed to maintain shoulder and midline stability

2) Find a steady pace and hang on for 10 minutes as none of these movements should “stop” you. Build up in speed as you near the end of the AMRAP, step down each box jump

Jason TrinhComment