Wed Oct 26 "Freaky 5k"

Workout of the day

1) Deadlifts: 4-5 Sets x 1-3 Reps @ 75-80% of 1RM

2) “Freaky 5k”

Every 6 Mins x 5 Rounds:
1000/800m Row
Max bodyweight reps:

Round 1: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Or Ring Rows)
Round 2: Handstand Push-ups (Or Push-ups)
Round 3: Toes-To-Bar (Or Abmat Sit-ups)
Round 4: Alternating Single Leg Squats (Or Box Step-ups)
Round 5: 10m Shuttle Runs (Or Bike)


1) No pauses, just looking to get up to five sets of three reps at up to 80%. Goal is to increase in weight over last week, reducing reps and sets as needed

2) Spend up to 4.5 minutes on the rower then with whatever time is left in the 6 minutes perform the bodyweight movement assigned to that round. Move at a maintainable pace

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