WOD Tue Nov 29


13 Minute AMRAP:
25 Pull-ups/Ring Rows
50 Calorie Row/30 Calorie Bike
100 OHS/FS with empty bar/Air squats
50 Box Jumps @ 20/24
25 Pull-ups/Ring Rows

This was the conditioning WOD for the 2016 CrossFit Lift-off, and yes, if you finish your 25 pull-ups at the end of the round, you go into another set of 25 pull-ups at the start of the round. 


Upright/Tall Lunge (Hip Flexor) Stretch - 2 Minutes/Side
Modified Hurdler Stretch - 2 Minutes/Side
Seated Hamstring Stretch - 2 Minutes

Jason TrinhComment