WOD Mon July 16
Back Squats
6 x 5 @ 50-55-60-65-70-75%
For Time:
Back Squats (315/225) - max of 75%
Strict Handstand Push-ups / Box HSPU / DB Strict Presses @ 45/30
With an empty bar:
15 Controlled Muscle Snatches
15 Controlled Power Snatches
15 Controlled Squat Snatches
Snatch Doubles @ 55-60-65-70-75
Gymnastics Conditioning
For Time (10 Minute Cap):
30 Bar Muscle-ups
On the Minute (Starting on the 0:00) – 30 Double Unders
Bike Conditioning (Row, or Run if you have a watch)
3 Rounds:
3 Minute Light Effort
2 Minute Fast Effort
Not for score, but for consistent effort.