WOD Mon Jun 24


3 rounds for quality reps:
9 Romanian Deadlifts
15 Weighted Glute Bridges
27 Kipping Straight-Leg Raises / Knee-Raises

-build across sets for deadlifts and glute bridges (keep it light-moderate)


5 Sets:
1 Tempo Pausing Front Squat
1 Front Squat

Tempo: 5s negative, 3 second pause in bottom. Regular stand.

Set #1 - 60% of 1RM Front Squat
Set #2 - 65%
Sets #3+4+5 - 70%


“Jack Daniels”

For Time:
1,000m Run / 1250m Row / 3000m Bike
50 Thrusters / Front Squats @ 65/45
30 CTB Pull-Ups / Jumping CTB Pull-ups


High hang squat snatch triples
-3 sets @ 75-80%

“Jack Daniels”

Join class for accessory work & front squats

Jason TrinhComment