Saturday Classes Cancelled - WOD For Sunday, August 18th @ 9:30am
For Time (5 Minute Time Cap):
200' Handstand Walk
*Practice holds on wall or with a spotter if not able to walk
On the 2:30 x 4 Sets:
50' Barbell Overhead Walking Lunge
*build to moderate weights
“Chips Ahoy”
For Time:
30 Chest to Bar/Jumping CTB Pull-ups
400m Run / 500m Row / 1200m Bike
15 Overhead/Front Squats @ 135/95
800m Run / 1000m Row / 2400m Bike
15 Overhead/Front Squats @ 135/95
400m Run / 500m Row / 1200m Bike
30 Chest to Bar/Jumping CTB Pull-Ups