WOD Tue Oct 13


1 Power Clean + 3 Strict Press
Every 90s x 6 Rounds


“Push Pop”

4 Rounds:
800m Echo Bike
5 Ring Muscle-ups / Pull-ups
800m Echo Bike
10 Push Jerks @ 155/105


3 Sets:
3-Pause Clean Deadlift (2” off floor, knee level, mid-thigh) @ 80-85-90% of 1RM Clean

3 Sets:
3-Position Clean High Pull from top down (mid-thigh, knees, 2” off floor) @ 60-65-70% of 1RM Clean

5 Sets:
3-Position Squat Clean from top down (mid-thigh, knees, 2” off floor) @ 63-66-69-72-75% 1RM Clean

Jason TrinhComment