Fri Feb 17 "Open Workout 23.1"
14 Minute AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row
50 Hanging Knee-Raises
40 Wallball Shots @ 14/10lbs, 10/9’
30 Power Cleans @ 95/65
20 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-ups
Scaled Masters 55+
♀ 10-lb ball to 8 ft, sit-ups, 45-lb cleans, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups ♂ 14-lb ball to 8 ft, sit-ups, 65-lb cleans, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups
Workout of the day
“Open Workout 23.1”
14 Minute AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-To-Bar
40 Wallball Shots @ 20/14, 10/9’
30 Power Cleans @ 135/95
20 Ring Muscle-Ups
Masters 55+
♀ 10-lb ball to 9 ft, 65-lb cleans, muscle-ups ♂ 20-lb ball to 9 ft, 115-lb cleans, muscle-ups
This is a repeat workout from 2014, check to see how much you’ve improved since then if you’ve been around for that long. This is a great pacer of a chipper. Don’t come out too hot on the row, chip away at steady sets of TTB, then get through the rest at an uncomfortable pace. If you are unable to do this workout today, find a judge and do the workout on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (also the option to re-do on Monday)