Mon Feb 5 "Lego Land"


1) Alternating EMOM x 3 Rounds (6 Mins Total):

  • Push-ups (or Elevated Push-ups)

  • 5 Hang Power Cleans

2) 20 Min AMRAP:

10 Burpees
250/200m Row
30 Single Skips (or 1 Min DU Practice)


1) Alternating EMOM x 3 Rounds (6 Mins Total):

  • Max Kipping Deficit HSPU @ 3” (Or DB Strict Press)

  • 2 Power Cleans @ 82%

2) “Lego Land”

4 Rounds For Time (22 Min Cap):
25-20-15-10 Burpees Over Rower
500/450m Row
75 Double-Unders


1) Goal is for maximum reps each round (not to sustain). Minimum number of reps should be 5, modify “deficit” as needed (could be banded or elevated). Power cleans are done at 82% of your max power clean

2) Repeat workout from 2/22/23. Each round, the number of burpees over the rower decreases by 5 but the distance rowed and DUs does not change

10 Rounds For Time:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Strict Pull-ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Dumbbell Bench Press @ 70/50

Jason TrinhComment