Tue Jul 25 "Fast Break"


1) Front Squats: Build to a technical set of 5

2) Every 3 Minutes x 8 Rounds:

15/12 Calorie Row
10 Dumbbell Thrusters

Workout of the day

1) Front Squats: 5-3-2-1-Max Reps
@ 50-60-70-75-80%

2) “Fast Break”

10 Rounds For Time:
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Wallballs @ 20/14
Rest 1 Minute


1) Build across sets, finishing with as many reps as possible at 80%. Aim for 10+ reps at this weight

2) Work at a slightly faster pace than usual on the row and complete wallballs unbroken as you will get 1 minute of rest at the end of each round. Overall goal is to be consistent in how long each round takes from start to finish

Jason TrinhComment