Tue Nov 29 "Bloody Mary"

Workout of the day

1) Hang Squat Snatch: Every 2.5 Mins x 6: 3 @ 75, 2 @ 78, 2 @ 78, 2 @ 83, 1 @ 86, 1 @ 86%


20 Minute AMRAP:
Air Squats

*Choose one rep scheme for the above movements:
3-6-9 OR 4-8-12 OR 5-10-15

2) “Bloody Mary”

20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Single-Leg Squats
15 Pull-ups

*Every 4 Minutes (starting at 0:00):
15 Hang Power Snatches @ 75/55


1) Building up in weight while decreasing in reps, build to a heavy technical load while catching in the deepest and most stable squat you can

2) This is the benchmark workout “Mary” but with the 15 hang power snatches, 5 times (every 4 minutes for 20 minutes). Expect grip to be a very big factor here. Modify HSPU to something you can do in under a minute each time, single-leg squats can be deep box step-ups or assisted pistols, modify pull-ups and snatches to be very easy (done in 2-3 sets max even when tired)

Jason TrinhComment