Wed Jan 11 "Lost In The Sauce"

Workout of the day

1) Overhead Squat: Build to a heavy single for the day


3 Minute AMRAP, 3 Minute Rest x 4 Rounds:
400/300m Row
21-18-15-12 Goblet Squats
Max Push-ups in time remaining

2) “Lost In The Sauce”

3 Minute AMRAP, 3 Minute Rest x 4 Rounds:
400m Row
21-18-15-12 Overhead Squats @ 115/85
Max Handstand Push-ups in time remaining


1) Treat this as a warm-up or to practice overhead squats (front squat if the overhead position is not possible). Follow a 5-4-3-2-1-1-1… for a warm-up

2) Row should be completed in well under 2 minutes, OHS in 1-2 sets max, a few reps of push-ups each time (getting farther each round). Round 1: 21 OHS, R2: 18 OHS, R3: 15 OHS, R4: 12 OHS

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